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Private Investor helping to
kickstart your startup


Just like startups, mango trees need plenty of resources and care to grow and produce ripe fruits. These fruits have many different usages for many people. With the help of your startup will be able to thrive just like mangos.

About Gunther


In my role as a genuine entrepreneur, every day – alongside around 600 employees from our family business, LAUDA, – I look for ways in which we can use precise temperatures to gradually improve the world. Our constant temperature equipment and systems play a critical role in important applications and contribute to creating a better future. As a world market leader and full-range supplier, we ensure optimal temperatures in research, production, and quality control. We are trusted partners in the electromobility, hydrogen, chemical, pharmaceutical/biotech, semiconductor and medical engineering industries.


I am particularly passionate about innovation and enabling future opportunities for children and young people. Although I feel at home in many places throughout the world, my home region is, and will always be, in Tauber Franconia in Baden-Württemberg.


In addition to managing LAUDA, by investing in promising start-ups, I provide support for the digital transition as well as to the start-up scene in both Germany and the USA. I am a member of Band of Angels, the oldest angel investment company in Silicon Valley. I also invest directly in new tech companies through my own family office –

In my book, “Neu Erfinden” (English: “To Reinvent”) published in 2020, I describe and work through my experience of living and working for a year in Silicon Valley. Later, in 2022, I published a textbook titled “Agiles Innovationsmanagement” (English: “Agile Innovation Management”). This textbook seeks to establish links between my own practical experience and theoretical ideas and to demonstrate how agile approaches and holistic innovation management strategies can be used to deal with common issues relating to innovation.


I am a strong believer that innovative entrepreneurship will make the world a better place for everyone. In my function as a member of the Digital Council of the Confederation of German Employers’ Association I aim to demonstrate to those in politics the potential and opportunities offered by digitalization and the German SMEs.


I believe it is important to help managers and young people incorporate new discoveries into entrepreneurial practice. This is why I regularly hold talks at universities and conferences on the topics of innovation, digitalization, start-ups, and SMEs. I am also a university lecturer and publish my work in various collections and professional journals. The non-profit company Futurelabs gGmbH – of which I am founder, partner, and voluntary managing director – works with companies and institutions to help young people discover their talents and abilities and support them in being able to choose a training program, degree program or job that is right for them and that will allow them to fulfill their potential.


I find myself continually interested in how we can capitalize on failures to gain new insights that will be of value in the future. I want to encourage people to develop their own solutions to problems and to bring about change in the world. In addition, my adult son acts as a constant reminder of just how important topics such as sustainability and open communication are for his generation. It is SMEs in particular, that are too rarely in the public eye, that can benefit from such an impulse and that do need innovative mentors and young specialist professionals.


I have always been passionate about creating spaces for encounter and communication. With the renovated winery in my hometown, Lauda-Königshofen, I managed to turn this passion into something real. Today the Rebgut is a major hotel and culinary destination with a multi-award-winning restaurant and a state-of-the-art hall for events. I would love to meet you there for a glass of wine someday.

I look forward to engaging with you in inspirational dialog very soon.

About Gunter

Investment Portfolio

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Wordly allows non-native speakers and the hearing-impaired to understand and participate in Video Conference Calls, Live Webinars & Online Trainings


Investment Portfolio

Investment Thesis

We invest in the promising combination of hardware with intelligent software.


No hardware only



No pure software


Hardware is hard. We love it but it has to be pimped up with cool software.


We know that this might exclude some of the most promising startups but we like to focus on what we have expertise in.



Investment thesis

Question & Answers


In which phase should a startup be?

As most angel investors, Gunther likes to see a finished product which is ready to sell. Usually there is already some traction and sales should take off the following year. The first months of a startup are usually funded by friends and family before the first external investors come in the so-called seed phase. For more information see the Band of Angels website.

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by its General Partner management corporation, a Georgia corporation

Promenade, Suite 3100, 1230 Peachtree St. N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309 GmbH & Co. KG



Carl-Reichert-Weg 7

97922 Lauda-Königshofen, Germany

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